Ram Proud
by Dawn Weimer


This sculpture shows a very proud Big Horn Ram standing on a rock as they do here in the Rocky Mountains just west of Loveland, Co (we see them all the time as we drive up to Rocky Mountain National Park n- we actually have to be careful NOT to hit them as we drive up the canyon!).

Artist Information for Dawn Weimer


Sculpture Details:

Price: 78000.00 SOLD
Width: 4 FeetHeight: 144 Inches
Length: 8 Feet
Type: Ed No. 5  Year: 1999
State: Public Art, Commission
Materials: Bronze
Subjects: Monument, Big Horn Sheep , Animal
Colors: Bronze (medium), Bronze (light)
Options: Enlargements (size)
Sculptor Register #: A36
Sculpture Certification #: B9000244

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