August 15, 2007 Ullberg Installs Stampeding Bison Bull and Cow,
Last Pieces of "Spirit of Nebraska's Wilderness" more |
2007 The 5th annual Sculptors Dominion Invitational, Brilliant Dimensions,
will open April 7 through 29, 2007 more |
2007 Botkins Sculpture Invitational, Botkins, Ohio will host the largest sculpture
invitational this side of Colorado, July 28th and 29th, 2007. For more information please visit their website: 1st Annual Botkins Sculpture Invitational |
April 30, 2007 Ed Miracle unveiled his newest bronze sculpture, "El Pollo Bandito" at the Sculptors Dominion in San Antonio, Texas on April 7, 2007. more |
April 2007 Jon Barlow Hudson recently created and installed 23 foot high sculpture entitled Paradigm Shift more |
April 12, 2007 Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park presents the never-before-exhibited PALETTA GRANDE ("Big Scoop", "Large Shovel"). Created by renowned sculptures Ponzo and Ileana Siricio, PALETTA GRANDE features the whimsical imagery of Francesco Nicola Sansovino.more |
April 2007 Debora Solomon recently added a new piece, called "Beauty", a nude female
torso. more |
March 2007 Anita Watts of Eaton, Ohio, has been commissioned to provide a multiple bronze sculpture for the new Humane Society Pet Center. The sculpture will include two life-sized children, one life-sized dog, three kittens and four puppies and will be installed in a specially developed rock landscape area in front of their new building. The unveiling ceremony is planned for June, 2007. Follow the progress at |
Aug. 23, 2006 Kent Ullberg Kent Ullberg Installs Bison & Calf, Latest Part of "Spirit of Nebraska's Wilderness" more |
April 28, 2006 Dawn Weimer was the featured artist/sculptor at Wyoming's largest charity, Wyoming Cares more |
April 29, 2006 Dawn Weimer is featured on the Judges Choice more |
March 28, 2006 Grounds for Sculpture: New Addition to Sculpture Along the Way on I-295: Head 2 Head by John Martini more |
March 28, 2006 Dawn Weimer had four new bronze installations in 2005: Two Big for Her Britches at the THE RANCH Larimer County Fairgrounds, Loveland, CO; The Teacher at Hearts and Horses campus, Loveland, CO; Taking Stalk at Fort Drum, NY in honor of the 2nd Battalion, 87th Infrantry Regiment, the Catamounts, who served in Afganistan; and Primrose at The Woodlands, Houston, TX more |
May 2006 Congratulations to Dawn Weimer, Signature Member, in the American Plains Artists Exhibit more |
May 2005 Deselms Fine Art hosted The Fourth Annual Southeast Wyoming Art Show & Sale at the Cheyenne Civic Center, 510 West 20th Street, Cheyenne, WY beginning July 1, 2005 and will continue until July 31, 2005. more |
2005 Author and sculptor, Arthur Williams, has included Dawn Weimer in his 512 page illustrated book titled, "The Sculpture Reference". The book can be purchased through |
2005 Sculptor Dean Munroe is set to be featured at Agora Gallery with the opening of Beyond Borders: an Exhibition of Fine Art from Canada. more |
Sculptor Andrew Cooper in New York Exhibition at Agora Gallery United in Art: Fine Art from England, Scotland and Ireland Presenting Sculptor Andrew Cooper more |
2004 Kalat, a local Iraqi artist, pauses to look at a memorial he has been working on to honor the fallen soldiers of 4th Infantry Division. The new statue stands in a former palace of Saddam Hussein that currently serves as the 4th ID headquarters at Forward Operating Base Ironhorse. more |
April 29, 2004 Dawn Weimer Studios University of Northern Colorado Installed "Northern Vision" 12 Foot High Bronze Bear Monument April 29, 2004. more |
2003 Edd Hayes has been commissioned to create a life-size bronze monument and tribute to firefighters for the Houston Fire Museum more |
2003 Dawn Weimer Studios "Too Big For Her Britches", a 7 ½ foot high monument created by Dawn Weimer will be installed and dedicated at "The Ranch", more |
Oct. 12, 2003 Doyle Glass recently completed The Tom T. Wilmeth Chapel of Peace and it was dedicated in De Queen Arkansas on October 12, 2003. Tom Wilmeth was killed in action during World War II. more |
May 2, 2003 Commissioned sculpture by Celene Greene for San Juan Medical Center, Farmington, NM recently installed. more |
Dawn Weimer's 6.5 foot high bronze sculpture, Jesus and Friends, was recently installed more |
Nov. 7, 2002 Sculptor Edd Hayes recently finished and installed a 6' 4" life-size bronze portrait of longtime, Texas Senate Parlimentarian, Robert E. Johnson more |
Sculptor John Lopez to hold Art Show and open house more |
Dawn Weimer recently installed and dedicated "Fergie", a life-size West Highland Terrier more |
2002 WWW.KINETIC-ART.ORG A web site for Kinetic Artists from around the world more |
Families of September 11 victims gave their approval Thursday to two temporary memorials at or near the World Trade Center site, to be in place for the six-month anniversary of the attacks. ... more |
2002 Earnhardt memorial is dedicated ... more |
South Dakota sculptor John Lopez dedicated his latest Presidential bronze for the City of Presidents project ...more |
Life-sized bronze Grizzly Bear sculpted by DAWN WEIMER...more |
2001 Joy Beckner's "So Good to See You," #17/20, was FOUND November, 2001...more |
2001 Beyond the human loss of life in the WTC disaster, the art losses are in the millions...more |
2001 In the rubble of the WTC a bronze sculpture by J. Seward Johnson, Jr. becomes makeshift memorial more |
2001 A new life-size bronze by artist, Edd Hayes was recently unveiled at Lockett Plaza in Brenham, Texas. more |
Installation and dedication of a nine foot high bronze mountain lion sculpted by DAWN WEIMER more |
2 pieces of Calder Sculpture recovered from WTC site...
Joy Kroeger Beckner, winner of the 1999 National Sculpture Society Silver Medal for her bronze dachshund, "A Good Life", will teach Canine Sculpture,with emphasis on anatomy and movement. more |