by Barry W. Sheehan


This sculpture was hand hammered out of a sheet of flat12 gage steel measuring four feet by six feet. I used traditional blacksmithing techniques to create the piece in other words sections of the steel were heated then struck with hammers to move the steel.I designed and made some of the hammers I used to create this sculpture. The sculpture has been given a tough and durable finish to allow it to be outdoors.

Artist Information for Barry W. Sheehan

Sculpture Details:

Price: 28000.00
Width: 48 InchesHeight: 80 Inches
Depth: 22 InchesWeight: 220 lbs
Type: Representational Sculpture
State: Unique, Public Art, Private, Original
Materials: Wrought Iron, Steel
Subjects: Outdoor, Monumental, Man, Head, Bust
Colors: Brown (dark), Black
Sculptor Register #: A341
Sculpture Certification #: B9001526

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