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Washed Ashore Sculpture & Angela Haseltine Pozzi Artist

by Alexis Petru

Amazing Sculptures Made from Ocean Litter

The Washed Ashore project cleans up litter on Oregon beaches and transforms it into amazing sculptures of the marine life harmed by such debris. Sponsored by the Bandon, Ore.-based Artula Institute for Arts and Education, the Washed Ashore exhibit has set out on a global tour to raise awareness about the impacts of trash on marine mammals and the ocean.

Henry the fish is just one of the 18 giant sculptures built by Washed Ashore volunteers and lead artist Angela Haseltine Pozzi.

To make each sculpture, a local high school class welds the recycled rebar structure, and then community volunteers build out the form, weaving wire mesh with plastic debris collected from Oregon beaches.

Spatial Thoughts on Sculpture by Bill West
What's not to like about this creative effort using up what we are sptting out in our oceans. Want to see how Washed Ashore volunteers gather and sort litter and then create this amazing artwork? Click the below link

Washed Ashore Sculpture & Angela Haseltine Pozzi Artist
"Henry the Fish" by Washed Ashore & Angela Haseltine Pozzi Lead Artist