Benar Venet - Sculpture for New Orleans |
TulaneUniversityCurvilinear improvisation"Arcs in Disorder" by the French sculptor Benar Venet rests on the lawn in front of Stanley Thomas Hall. The arcs join two other new sculptures on the front of the uptown campus, which are part of a rotating program of outdoor sculpture. The sculptures are exhibited as part of a citywide exhibition entitled Sculpture for New Orleans organized by Michael Manjarris. The artists have loaned the sculptures for two years and Tulane University is supporting the project with funds for shipping, installation and maintenance. |
Michael Manjarris the driving force behind Sculpture for New Orleans sent us this Tulane University article of this 'world class' Benar Venet sculpture creation "Arcs in Disorder". New Orleans is just so fortunate to be able to exhibit a sculpture of this magnitude. A big thanks goes out to all involved! I just never get tired of viewing this Benar Venet sculpture, I mean never!!! It just puts me in a different place mentally, so... |
"Arcs in Disorder" by Benar Venet Photo by Paula Burch-Celentano |
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