by Robert Pulley


This is the largest ceramic sculpture I have created. Titled "Unfolding" massive shapes seem to unfold above a massive base and narrow waist. The constituent blocks suggest old masonry, perhaps Machu Pichu or the Wailing Wall. A powerful piece that is in a private collection.

Artist Information for Robert Pulley


Sculpture Details:

Price: 24000.00 SOLD
Width: 4 FeetHeight: 12 Feet
Depth: 3 FeetWeight: 1400 lbs (approx)
Type: Abstract Sculpture
State: Private, Public Art
Materials: Ceramic, Clay
Substrates: Paper, Irregular Shape
Subjects: Contemporary, Figurative, Garden, Organic
Colors: Black, Blue, Brown (dark), Brown (light), Gray, Green, Mottled, Multi-Color, Orange, Pink, Rust, Sandstone, Tan
Sculptor Register #: A145
Sculpture Certification #: B9000682

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