by Jon Barlow Hudson


theme of honoring the indigenous Arawak petroglyphs found in nearby fountain cavern, millennia old. i did this by creating a large block with a seat carved into each side. the shape is a slight rhombus, so when the top corners of both rhombi meet within the stone, they create an opening thru which the seated may communicated with each other thru the stone.

Sculpture Details:

Price: 35000.00 SOLD
Width: 5 FeetHeight: 9 Feet
Depth: 20 InchesWeight: 11 lbs
Type: Tri Dimensional Object Art
State: Unique, Public Art, Original, Commission
Materials: Travertine, Stone, Marble, Limestone
Subjects: Symbolic , Site-Specific, Monumental, Monument, Historical, Functional
Colors: Tan, Sandstone, Natural, Brown (light)
Options: Free Standing
Sculptor Register #: A469
Sculpture Certification #: B9001532

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